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HomeCode of Ethics & Code of Conduct


CALI Code of Ethics & Conduct

Code of Ethics

A. Highest Professional Standards

The CALI private investigator must maintain the highest professional standards and moral principles. Investigations must be conducted with integrity, honesty and excellence with due diligence, truthfulness and the greatest possible accuracy and competence.

Investigators should strive to the highest professional responsibility and standards at all times to further CALI and the profession of Private Investigations. Investigators should conduct their business affairs fairly and in good faith and in compliance with California law and accepted and established professional standards.

B. Adherence to the Code of Ethics

All investigators should adhere to The Code of Ethics.

C. Duty to Uphold the CALI Association Reputation

Members have a duty to be truthful and must not libel, slander, communicate and/or publish defamatory or derogatory information regarding the CALI Association.

D. Assistance and Guidance Between Investigators

Assistance and guidance should be offered to investigators with lesser experience or those in need of help to complete an assignment. Education in the form of mentoring raises the level of knowledge and competency of all investigators.

E. Good Judgment

Members of CALI must exercise good judgment, in accordance with Code of Conduct, and the bylaws of CALI, in their dealings with other association members, association directors, and the general public. Members of CALI must respond to the needs of the association’s members in a responsible, respectful, and professional manner. CALI is dedicated to leading by example in serving the needs of its members, the general public and the interests and ideals of the private investigation industry in general.

F. Respect for Rights of Third Persons

The legal rights of all persons are to be respected by the investigator in pursuit of evidence and information for a client. This includes the right to privacy and from harassment. All persons with whom an investigator must communicate with regarding a matter under investigation, are to be afforded all rights and privileges of any citizen. An investigator must respect and not infringe upon the constitutional rights of any person.

G. Confidentiality

Discretion and confidentiality by an investigator are expected and anticipated. An investigator must provide truthful, accurate and factual reports to clients maintaining confidentiality and protecting the privacy interests of all persons involved in an investigation. Collection of personal identifying information must only be gathered for lawful purpose and must not be disclosed to any third party except as required by law. This confidentiality must extend beyond the term of the agreement.

H. Communication with Persons Represented by Counsel

An investigator working for an attorney, or client who is represented by counsel, is precluded from contacting an individual represented by opposing counsel. An investigator must not violate any rules regarding ex-parte contact during an investigation. Internet and Social Media contact are included.

I. Cooperation with Law Enforcement

An investigator must cooperate with all recognized and responsible law enforcement and governmental agencies, not interfering with ongoing investigations or knowingly promote the criminal activity.

Code of Conduct


Adherence to the Code of Conduct

1.1 All CALI members must adhere to The CALI Code of Conduct.

Abiding By The Law

1.2 The CALI member must, at all times, adhere to those legislated laws, rules and regulations of local, state and federal government, to include the Constitution of the United States of America and the Bylaws of the California Association of Licensed Investigators (CALI).

1.3 CALI members must attempt to stay current in laws applicable to the profession of private investigations and investigators must never undertake an assignment that is contrary to the Constitution of the United States of America or the security interests of this country. Members must always abide by these laws, rules and regulations and never willfully nor intentionally violate any laws and must not knowingly violate any right or privilege of any individual citizen which may be guaranteed or provided or by the United States Constitution, any State constitution, or laws of the State and Federal Governments or any subdivision thereof.


1.4 The investigator must maintain a license issued by the respective licensing authority of their state.

1.5 CALI Membership is defined in the CALI Bylaws Article V. Not all levels of CALI membership require a private investigation license. All levels of CALI membership must abide by this Code of Conduct.

CALI Certifications (Certified Professional Investigator & Certified Security Professional)

1.6 The CALI member must not use certification credentials which have not been earned and are not current and maintained. Professional certifications presented by CALI are the property and domain of CALI, and not to be used by members who have not qualified and been granted such CALI certifications.

Investigator Advertising

1.7 Advertising of services must be truthful, tasteful, and in compliance with the laws of the state. The CALI Investigator must post their license number on all advertising and marketing materials, if required by the respective licensing authority of their state.

Professional Misconduct

1.8 CALI members must not engage in professional misconduct. Professional misconduct extends to conviction of felonious acts, perjury, fraud, falsification of information, or violation of any of provision of the CALI Code of Conduct. Such misconduct, and/or violation of the CALI Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary measures against the member in accordance with CALI Bylaws ARTICLE XIV – DISCIPLINE.

Disciplinary Measures

1.9 Members who are the subject of formal disciplinary action or revocation of their license by the licensing agency or authority in their respective state may as a result be subjected to disciplinary action by the CALI Board of Directors in accordance with the CALI Bylaws

Duty to Uphold the CALI Association

1.10 Members must not libel, slander, communicate and/or publish defamatory or derogatory information regarding the CALI Association.


Duty to Client

2.1 The scope of services to be provided should be defined by contractual agreement between both parties prior to commencement of any work.

2.2 The Client should be provided a full explanation of the work to be performed, rates to be charged and any reporting agreed upon.

Duty to Client

2.3 The CALI members strive to provide the highest level of services for every client, diligently carried out assignments and render honest, unbiased investigations representing the best interests of the client to ensure that all services are conducted truthfully and lawfully.

Supervision of Employees of the Qualified Manager Investigator

2.3 The Qualified Manager investigator must ensure that all employees adhere to this Code of Conduct.


2.4 The CALI member must keep their client reasonably informed of the investigation to the extent set forth in their agreement.


2.5 Discretion and confidentiality must be upheld by CALI members. All members agree to provide truthful, accurate and factual reports to clients maintaining confidentiality and protecting the privacy interests of all persons involved in an investigation. Collection of personal identifying information must only be gathered for lawful purpose and not disclosed to any third party except as required by law. This confidentiality must extend beyond the term of the agreement between the investigator and the client.

2.6 Services must not be provided to another party which involves the disclosure or use of confidential information obtained from a client, either for the private advantage of the member or his/her employees, or to the disadvantage of the client without his/her knowledge and consent, even though there may be other available sources of information.

Conflict of Interest

2.7 CALI members must be diligent in ensuring no agreement is entered into or services provided which jeopardizes an investigation involving another client. Any conflict which would prevent an investigator from performing a fair, professional investigation must be disclosed to the client.

Truthfulness and Accuracy

2.8 It is incumbent upon the investigator to be truthful and accurate in advertising, in dealings with clients, reporting findings, and in communications to any tribunal, court or law enforcement agency.

Courtesy and Respect

2.9 Courtesy and civility are to be extended to all clients and to the public, as well as to other CALI members, Executive Officers, the Executive Director, and Directors of the Board.

Personal Bias

2.10 Personal prejudice, bias and political or religious beliefs must not be permitted to interfere with the faithful and honest discharge of an investigator’s duty.

Records Maintenance

2.11 The client’s property must be preserved separately and safely, apart from other property in an investigator’s possession. A maintenance system of records keeping that allows information to be retrieved for a reasonable time after the work has been completed is to be expected.

Termination of Client Agreement

2.12 The CALI member’s service for a client must cease when either party withdraws from the working relationship and has clearly informed the other that all work is terminated. The relationship may be terminated upon reasonable notice by either the investigator or the client.


Responsibilities of Agency Owner or Qualified Manager

3.1 The CALI member must make reasonable efforts to ensure that all persons working with or for the qualified manager must adhere to the same rules and abide by the law in the same manner as the qualified manager. Investigators must only subcontract with a licensed private investigator while performing their duties.

Partner, Employee and Subcontractor Responsibilities

3.2 All individuals working with or for a qualified manager licensed investigator are expected to adhere to the same rules of conduct demanded of the qualified manager.

Subcontractor Relations

3.3 A member who is subcontracted by another investigator to perform services on their behalf, must never directly contact the primary client without authorization by the contracting licensed investigator.

Interference with Investigations

3.4 An investigator must not interfere with business agreements or investigative services agreed up on between other investigators and their clients.

Reputation of Other Investigators

3.5 The CALI member must refrain from any conduct which would bring the investigator or the Association and profession at large under reproach. A member must strive to never knowingly cause harm or defame the professional reputation or practice of colleagues, other investigators, clients, employers, or any member of CALI.

Payment of Work to Other Licensed Investigators

3.6 CALI members must compensate each other appropriately and expediently for work performed. Whenever possible, to avoid controversies, investigators should execute a written agreement with a client and separately with any subcontractor engaged to do work in that regard that outline fees, costs, retainers, and description of work to be performed. Fees and retainers must be timely in accordance with any agreement.

Assistance and Guidance Between Investigators

3.7 Assistance and guidance should be offered by CALI members to investigators with lesser experience or those in need of help to complete an assignment. Education in the form of mentoring raises the level of knowledge and competency of all investigators.

Conflict of Interest with the CALI Association

3.8 CALI members are prohibited from persuading, or attempting to persuade any other member, exhibitor, advertiser, sponsor, subscriber, supplier, contractor, or any other person or entity with an actual potential relationship to or with CALI, to terminate, curtail, or not enter into a relationship with CALI, or to in any way reduce the monetary or other benefits to CALI with such entities.