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Certified Professional Investigator (CPI) Renewals

Published on 9/14/2021

To All CPI's:

To those of you who have renewed your CPI, we thank you and commend you for pursuing the necessary requirements to maintain your professional certification.  We know it has been challenging due to the lack of in person trainings and conferences in the Private Investigation industry.  

As a bit of background, last year in 2020, the CALI Board of Directors passed a motion to waive all CPI renewal credits for 2020.  CALI then got busy developing and offering a wide array of Zoom Professional Development Webinar trainings.  Since COVID started, there have been over a dozen CALI Zoom Professional Development Webinars offered in 2020 and 2021.  Additionally, many Districts have held on-line District Meetings with interesting speakers, which were available for all CALI members to attend, not just members of their districts.  Finally, in June 2021 CALI offered a three-day on-line virtual Annual Conference, since we could not hold a conference in person.

Each and every one of those Zoom Professional Development Webinars, on-line District meetings with speakers, and the annual conference, generated an opportunity to earn CPI credits.  One credit for each Webinar or district meeting, and five credits for registering for the virtual annual conference.  CALI has lead the way in offering on-line opportunities to earn CPI credits through attendance at virtual on-line hosted events.   

There are also other means of earning CPI credits, such as writing and publishing PI related articles and books, and attendance at other non-CALI investigation related conferences and events hosted by other investigator associations.

We hope you value your CPI experience, and CALI will continue to offer virtual training until such a time we can all resume in person meetings, trainings, and conferences.

You may renew your CPI on the CALI website at:

Best regards,
Anthony Hopkins, Vice President of Investigative Services, CPI Committee Chair